Kompleks Kraton Yogyakarta INDONESIA 55133 |

This great and elegance Java architect building is located in center of the city. Built by Pangeran Mangkubumi, who later became Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono I in 1775. He chose the place between river Winongo and river Code which is dried up after flood. The Palace building stretches from north to south. The front yard of the palace is called alun-alun Utara (North Square) and the back yard called alun-alun Selatan (South Square).The design of the building shows that the palace, the obelisk (The Tugu, the column), and Mount Merapi lie in one line. It is believed that the axis is sacred.
Palace or Keraton means a place for Kings to stay. Or Kedaton that means place for Queens to stay. In Indonesian language, Keraton is a Palace, however a Palace is not absolutely Keraton. Keraton tends to have more religious, philosophic and cultural meaning.
Everything within and surrounding the Palace have meaning. It seems to be an advise for people to surrender them shelves to God such as to have a good behavior, humble and be careful in every way in life.
The architect, Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono I, according to Dr.F.Pigeund and Dr.L.Adam in Jawa Magazine in 1940 was called de bouwmeester van zijn broer Sunan P.B II or the architect of Sri Sunan Paku Buwono II’s brother.
The Palace tells us about the relationship between the people and the duty in the Palace. An example: Gandekan, the place where Sultan’s courier lived; Wirobrajan, the place where Palace soldier lived etc.
The area of the Palace was in Garjitawati forrest, nearby Beringin and Pacetokan village. It seemed to be insufficient to built a fort, therefore river Code was bent to east and river Winanga to west.
A popular Mijil poem showed the geographic area of the Palace:
Kali Nanga pancingkok ing puri, Gunung Gamping Kulon, Hardi Mrapi ler wetan prenahe, Candi Jonggrang mangungkung ing kali, Paleret Mangiri, Girilaya kidul
River Winanga turned to right as approaching the Palace, mount Gamping was on the west, while mount Merapi was on the southeast. Jonggrang temple was built on the edge of river Opak, Plered(Mother land of Mataram), Magiri (Kings’ Mataram cemetery) and Girilaya (South Mountain) was on the south of the Palace.
Area of the Palace is about 14.000 m2. It consists of several buildings, and yards:
From Keraton yard to north:
1. Kedaton/Prabayeksa
2. Bangsal Kencana
3. Regol Danapratapa
4. Sri Manganti
5. Regol Srimanganti
6. Bangsal Ponconiti (with yard of Kemandungan)
7. Regol Brajanala
8. Siti Inggil
9. Tarub Agung
10. Pagelaran (64)
11. Alun-alun Utara ( North Square)
12. Market (Beringharjo)
13. Kepatihan
14. Tugu (monument)
64 symbolize Prophet Muhammad’s age -> 64 years old (java calendar), or 62 AC.
From Keraton yard to south:
15. Regol Kemagangan
16. Bangsal Kemagangan
17. Regol Gadungmlati
18. Bangsal Kemandungan
19. Regol Kemandungan
20. Siti Inggil
21. South Square
22. Krapyak
1. Regol = gate
2. Bangsal = open building
3. Gedong = close building (with wall)
4. Plengkung = fort gate
5. Selogilang = lower podium where Sri Sultan sits.
6. Tratag = a place for shelter made of bamboo.
Five gates in the beteng are the ways to outer world of the beteng. Those beteng are:
1. Plengkung Tarunasura or plengkung Wijilan in the northeast.
2. Plengkung Jogosuro or Plengkung Ngasem in the southwest.
3. Plengkung Jogoboyo or Plengkung Tamansari in the west.
4. Plengkung Nirboyo or Plengkung Gading in the south.
5. Plengkung Tambakboyo or Plengkung Gondomanan in the east.
In 1955, Giyanti agreement divided the two Mataram kingdoms became Kasunanan Surakarta under Sunan Pakubuwono III and Kasultanan Ngayogyakarta under Pangeran Mangkubumi who later called Sultan Hamengku Buwono I.
More than 200 years ago, the place where keraton stood was a swamp area named Umbul Pachethokan that dried up then. Then they built Pesanggrahan (housing settlement) called Ayodya. The Palace building overlooks north direction, the center and south overlook Mt Merapi and the south sea. In the Balairung of the Palace, visitor can see pisowanan Agung (visual display of royal meeting) where the king sat on a magnificent throne, overlooking some high royal officials.
In the main yard of the Palace, visitor can see building for the king’s daily activeites, a building where the king received his important guests usually had a rest, and some other buildings. In the area there is also Kaputren (royal park) for the unmarried princess. The park is prohibited for visitor.
The Palace was built in 1265 or 1682 according to Java calendar. There are two dragons tied each other in front gate which means the year of the Palace was built, 1682. In Java script "Dwi naga rasa tunggal" means Dwi=2, naga=8, rasa=6, tunggal=I, read from behind =1682. The green color is a symbol of hope.
Outside of the gate, there are also two dragons that ready to defend them shelves. In Java script "Dwi naga rasa wani", means: Dwi=2, naga=8, rasa=6, wani=1 ->1682. The red color symbolizes courage. The field outside of the gate was used to practice by soldier of the Palace.
Everyday at 08.30 -13.00 pm
Friday only until 11.00 pm
Rp 2.000,00
+Rp 1.000,00 if you want to take pictures.
+Rp 2.000,00 if you want to record.
- Gamelan Performance on Monday and Tuesday at 10.00-12.00 pm
- Leather Puppets show on Saturday at 09.00-13.00 pm
- Dance Performance on Sunday and Thursday at 09.00-12.00 pm
- Reading Poem Performance on Friday at 10.00-11.30 am
- Wooden Puppets Performance on Wednesday at 09.00-12.00 pm
- North and South Square
- Sasono Hinggil
- Gedong Jene
- Great Mosque
- Bangsal Sri Manganti
- Bangsal Trajumas
- Bangsal Proboyeksa
- Bangsal Kencana
- Train Museum
- HB. IX Museum
- Painting Museum
- Crystal Museum
- Cup Museum
- Exhibition Art
- Library
- Souvenirs
- Do not do any bad thing while in the area of Sultan Palace.
- Keep the area clean
- From Sultan Palace you can go on to Museum of Train, Taman Sari water castle, and Ngasem bird market.
- If you get tired, use becak to go there.